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About Us

How it all started for Natasha and The Vintage Avenue


My first recollection of wanting to own a salon was from about 5 years old. You see, my mother was a beauty therapist at Henlow grange and I used to unpack her little vanity box she used to travel backwards and forwards to work with. I would paint my grandads finger nails while he napped in the chair on a Saturday afternoon, (he would wake up horrified as I could never remove the polish).

From this, The Vintage Avenue was born. I decided to follow my heart of being so interested in colour and blondes from the terrible experiences I had encountered with trying to keep my naturally warm hair, blonde. You see, my hair could have been bleached a thousand times over and still my blonde would go brassy, yellow and straw like. NO salons could give me the answers why. With this in mind I set the task of finding a solution to this. After many courses and products later and...awards of course. I was able to crown the salon a blonde specialist salon. Now all my staff understand blonde hair and how to keep it just the way our clients love it! But for me it doesn't stop there it’s not just about being a blonde and colour specialist, it’s about how my staff and salon experience makes people feel. When our clients choose to trust us with their hair we want to look after them for life, it’s the same with my staff I build careers with them and we do life together.

Education and customer service have always been the paramount of importance to me and I wanted to create a journey and experience for my clients that makes people feel special. In 2020 we were awarded Excellence in customer service award.

Meet The Team

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